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Intuitive Sound Healer & Oceanic Coach/Guide/Therapy

Empowering inner harmony through Sound Healing and Ocean Confidence. Natacha guides you to your truest self going within and in natures embrace.


Tune into Your Inner Wisdom & Emotional Intelligence. 

Sound Healing
Corporate Wellness
Sound Healing- Wave Elements
Sound Healing Online
surf coaching
Wave Elements - Ocean Confidence Intensive Training Programs
A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the
Coral Reef Alliance & The Whale Sanctuary Project
to help restore and protect our oceans and wildlife 

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Dr Aaron Roughan

Dr Aaron Rouhan, Chiropractor

I found this way of moving and training with Natacha to be very beneficial. I have spent a fair bit of time bent forward and twisted over a table, so needed it! I'd also had clients that had benefitted from her training so I was keen to give it a go. The functional movements, both in and out of the water are great, combined with the breath holds, its a winning combination! 

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Punta de  Mita, Nayarit
Bahía de Bandaras, México

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